Wednesday, March 13, 2024

TinkerCad NameTag Lesson

Making a Name Keychain in Tinkercad
By Jessy Ratfink March 24, 2020

This is an old tutorial (so some of the tools/buttons look different than now). There are multiple pics, videos, and little descriptions that will show you how to make a VERY small nametag. 

This tutorial teaches you and proves you understand how to do SEVERAL skills on a CAD program to make a 3D-printable object: Sizing and moving objects, Overlapping them, aligning and intersecting a cylinder with another, make the middle one a hole, and grouping them to make a hole through an object.


Some hints from Mr. Barber:

  • To find the individual letters you need, click on the menu that says basic shapes to get the pull-down menu. Select Design Starters. All the letters are in there, but they are in a weird order.

  • Use THICK, BOLD, CHONKY letters. Make your ring and your letters BIGGER than the tutorial says to. (Otherwise the tutorial has you make a VERY small, delicate, fragile name tag.) If you resize, make sure to use  the <SHIFT> button!

  • Once you have gotten a thumbs-up from Mr. B, you can export as an STL to my BARBERTECHNOLOGYFOLDER in the (S:/) Student Share Drive. Make sure you have named it your username and NAMETAG (ex: jwb2f NAMETAG) first!!!

When it successfully prints, it will be waiting for you in a nearby orange tray (it MIGHT fail, even if you did everything right ... someone else's could be wrong and "spaghetti", "glob up", or the 3d printer could just mess up). If you pick it up, get a keyring from the purple tray, put it on and get a pic on Mr. B's phone to get your grade before you take it out of the room!